My name is Raymond, and this is my blog. DLTQ = Don’t Lose the Question.
My blogging started in 2000 on LiveJournal, and later elsewhere. From 2005, was my online home, and I created a lot of entries here for a few years, both text and videos. Then I stopped caring so much, and my life went elsewhere. I still tweeted, posted on FB, did some Google+, and other things.
It is now 2024; almost a quarter of a century has gone since my first LiveJournal writing. I am older; at 45 years old. But I am still a Norwegian, and I now live in Oslo. And I still like long-form writing, so the tweeting, updates on social media etc, became too limiting. On May 10th 2023, was relaunched again, and using WordPress – again. It is now 2024, and I will slowly build this into my space.
This blog is not endorsed by anyone else; past, current or future employers, people who know me, people who may not know me, etc. This is my own words and other expressions, and they are only my responsability.
I am still figuring out what kind of blog I want this to be, so bear with me. It may change it’s looks now and then.
If you need to get in touch with me, try raymondmk AT gmail dottt com.
Otherwise, I hope you have a wonderful day/evening/night, wherever you are in your own travel through life and this space; this planet in this solar system in this galaxy.
This is me, as I looked in 2005. I had more hair then, so I prefer that representation.