Finding a pattern

I have input machines. A camera on my phone. A microphone; well, two microphones.

I have output machines: A phone. A computer.

I have processing powers. My own brain. The phone. The computer.

My output can become my input; my input can become my process; my process can become my output.

It all can become rather confusing (pdf of v0.01 of my IPO matrix).

But the pattern is something to explore as well.

An earlier output became input for a new process, leading to new output.


No, I will continue. So, basically, let’s not fool ourselves. All humans have these matrixes. But I am somehow interested in being more experimental about it. The example in the mentioned pdf is a good example:

I am reading a book (Input), I reflect on the book’s themes (process), I make a video about my reading a book (output), that video becomes input in another process.

So, I am now in a Process of writing this blog entry. I am recording the screen of me doing this; that recording becomes output. Watching that recording can then become input for something else. I could for instance re-watch that recording on Dropbox. I could then record my watching of it; my process, my thinking, while watching it. I forget response; I guess I ignored it, but yes, response is a part of my process. I respond to my earlier self writing this; I respond to my earlier self listening to “Silentium” by Wojciech Golczewski.

So, what’s the question here?

It’s about patterns. My patterns for the IPO – Input/Process/Output. And my pattern for listening to my gut feeling, or my emotions, or my intellect, or whatever. Pattern for reflecting on that, connecting that dot with other dots. Pattern for creating output from the I/P, which leads to a new iterative cycle.

A big part of my interest now is to find more efficient ways to produce my output, so that I can have that as future input. My intended audience for this blog is primarily my future self. Preferrably my retired self in my 70s who likes to look back at the processes, and has time to reflect on them anew. I don’t know, something like that.

Prompt 1 for ChatGPT 3.5:

You are a specialist in neurological processes, and psychology. You will reflect upon this input from me, and you will give your analysis of my way of thinking, including whether this is original or not: <quote of all until “Prompt for Chat…” and leaving out link>

Response 1 from ChatGPT 3.5: (process video shows process of that, of course)

“Based on the provided input, it seems that you have a reflective and analytical approach to your own thinking processes. You recognize and describe the various input and output devices you possess, such as cameras, microphones, phones, and computers, as well as the processing powers they provide.

You express an understanding that the boundaries between input, process, and output can be fluid and interconnected. You mention that your output can become input, your input can become a process, and your process can become output. This recognition highlights your awareness of the cyclical nature of information flow and the potential for iterative cycles of thought.

Your reflection on the IPO matrix demonstrates an original way of thinking about the interconnectedness of these elements. You consider the example of reading a book, reflecting on its themes, creating a video about it, and then using that video as input for another process. This shows an ability to conceptualize and analyze the iterative nature of your own cognitive processes.

Your interest in patterns, whether they are related to IPO or the connections between your emotions, intellect, and gut feelings, indicates a desire to understand and optimize your own thinking. You express a goal of finding more efficient ways to produce output that can serve as future input. This demonstrates a forward-thinking mindset and a willingness to leverage your own experiences and reflections for personal growth.

Overall, your way of thinking appears to be reflective, analytical, and self-aware. Your consideration of the interplay between input, process, and output, as well as your focus on patterns and iterative cycles, showcases an original and thoughtful approach to understanding and optimizing your own cognitive processes.”

Prompt 2 to ChatGPT 3.5 “Thank you. What could be the 10 best ideas for further improving my thinking about this, and my reflective process?”

Response 2 from ChatGPT 3.5:

“Certainly! Here are 10 ideas to further improve your thinking and reflective process:

  1. Keep a Reflective Journal: Maintain a journal where you record your thoughts, ideas, and reflections regularly. This practice will help you develop a habit of introspection and provide a reference point for future analysis.
  2. Seek Diverse Perspectives: Engage with a variety of viewpoints by reading books, articles, and blogs, and by having discussions with people who have different backgrounds and experiences. This exposure to diverse perspectives can expand your thinking and challenge your assumptions.
  3. Embrace Discomfort: Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and explore unfamiliar topics or ideas. By embracing discomfort, you open yourself up to new insights and growth opportunities.
  4. Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness exercises into your routine to enhance self-awareness and focus. Mindfulness can help you observe your thoughts, emotions, and patterns more objectively, leading to deeper insights.
  5. Use Visualization Techniques: Utilize visualization techniques to imagine scenarios and potential outcomes. Visualizing your thought processes can help you identify gaps, potential biases, and new possibilities.
  6. Incorporate Creative Activities: Engage in creative activities such as writing, drawing, or playing a musical instrument. These activities can stimulate your imagination, enhance problem-solving skills, and promote innovative thinking.
  7. Collaborate and Seek Feedback: Share your ideas with others and seek feedback. Collaborative discussions and constructive feedback can challenge your thinking, offer fresh perspectives, and help you refine your reflective process.
  8. Explore Different Thinking Models: Familiarize yourself with various thinking models and frameworks, such as design thinking, systems thinking, or critical thinking. Each model offers unique perspectives and approaches to problem-solving and can enhance your reflective process.
  9. Continuously Learn: Cultivate a lifelong learning mindset. Engage in learning activities such as attending workshops, taking online courses, or participating in seminars to expand your knowledge base and expose yourself to new ideas.
  10. Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care: Ensure you allocate time for rest, relaxation, and self-care. Taking breaks allows your mind to recharge and can lead to improved clarity, focus, and creativity during your reflective process.

Remember, these ideas are meant to be starting points for further exploration and experimentation. Embrace them as tools to enhance your thinking and reflective process, adapting and refining them based on what works best for you.”

[Process video]

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