That era has passed

In the 2000 movie “In the Mood for Love”, directed by Wong Kar-wai (who I have heard about a lot but never watched any of his movies), towards the end of the movie, there is this writing on the screen:

The writing, 那個時代已過去、屬於那個時代的一切都不存在了., means – according to google translate: “That era has passed, and everything belonging to that era no longer exists.”

I watched this movie for the first time today. It struck me as incredibly beautiful. Why did I not see this movie before?

A passed era. We may remember glimpses of it, or we may re-enact it in our dreams, or write about it, conjuring the bygone times into reality once again, like Kar-wai did with this movie depicting the Hong Kong of the 1960s.

But there is also a lot to say about the visuals of this movie, which I see from reading also is something of a signature move by the director. To have a particular view on the visuals.

I will explore Wong Kar-wai’s movies more. There seems to be 10 movies by him:

1988As Tears Go Byn
1990Days of Being Wildn
1994Chungking Expressn
1994Ashes of Timen
1995Fallen Angelsn
1997Happy Togethern
2000In The Mood for Lovey
2007My Blueberry Nightsn
2013The Grandmastern
2023Blossoms Shanghain
List of Wong Kar-wai’s movies and whether I have seen them (will be updated)

Hong Kong is one of my favourite cities in the whole world. I visited it first time in 2000 (I had a gf from Hong Kong from 1999-2004), and the city created it’s own impact on me. More on that another time.

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