To blog or not to blog

I am 46 years old; and I started blogging in 2000, using first one tool, and then over the next years other tools. Back then, at the start of 2000, I was 21 years old, and all of this was very new then.

But now, in 2024, this is not new. This is not exciting. The way I consume information is not through posting, writing, pushing electrons out there. Instead, to a much larger extent, I read. I read and I reflect. By myself. In my Day One journal on my phone, and in my physical diaries.

Whether I should blog or not is the big question. I really don’t feel the need for it.
[Question 1 to ChatGPT 4o / Google Gemini Advanced]

Personal motivation
My motivation for blogging was several things:
Finding connections
Reflection through writing
Seeing dots in the landscape

But once the connections were found, and the dots were clear, I lost interest. I moved on. I had the most excited phase of blogging from 2004-2006 or so. Way Back Machine has quite a few saves over the years; 268 snapshots. Here is one from July 16th, 2005 or September 28th, 2011. The latter has a sentiment close to May 29th 2024 (this blog entry):

I have for some months planned to re-start, finding a new path, a new set of themes to cover, improve my language, improve the readworthiness of my entries.

But at the end of the day, I never prioritized that. I never went down and spent those days it took to get a nice design here, or figure out how to plan my future entries, or how to enhance my language. At the end of the day, this site was simply sitting there, empty.

So I guess this is me saying that this is how it will be, for some time.

September 28th 2011

Why bother?

Now AI solutions are all over the place.

Why put this out there?

[Question 2 to ChatGPT 4o / Google Gemini Advanced]

What would a meaningful and fulfilling blogging experience look like for me in 2024?

  • Envision what would make blogging worthwhile and satisfying at this stage in your life. Think about potential topics, formats, or approaches that could reignite your passion for blogging. Consider what you want to achieve through blogging and how it aligns with your current interests and goals.
ChatGPT 4o

Well, there IS no meaningful and fulfilling blogging experience for me in 2024, as I see it. Not because the technology has changed, really, but because of how I have changed. Me.

There is no simple solution. And it is 10 PM CEST here now, on this Wednesday night, and I will turn to reading instead.

Process video (22 mins, no sound)

Edit: I just watched this interview. It gave me a lot of thoughts.

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