Finding a pattern

I have input machines. A camera on my phone. A microphone; well, two microphones.

I have output machines: A phone. A computer.

I have processing powers. My own brain. The phone. The computer.

My output can become my input; my input can become my process; my process can become my output.

It all can become rather confusing (pdf of v0.01 of my IPO matrix).

But the pattern is something to explore as well.

An earlier output became input for a new process, leading to new output.


No, I will continue. So, basically, let’s not fool ourselves. All humans have these matrixes. But I am somehow interested in being more experimental about it. The example in the mentioned pdf is a good example:

I am reading a book (Input), I reflect on the book’s themes (process), I make a video about my reading a book (output), that video becomes input in another process.

So, I am now in a Process of writing this blog entry. I am recording the screen of me doing this; that recording becomes output. Watching that recording can then become input for something else. I could for instance re-watch that recording on Dropbox. I could then record my watching of it; my process, my thinking, while watching it. I forget response; I guess I ignored it, but yes, response is a part of my process. I respond to my earlier self writing this; I respond to my earlier self listening to “Silentium” by Wojciech Golczewski.

So, what’s the question here?

It’s about patterns. My patterns for the IPO – Input/Process/Output. And my pattern for listening to my gut feeling, or my emotions, or my intellect, or whatever. Pattern for reflecting on that, connecting that dot with other dots. Pattern for creating output from the I/P, which leads to a new iterative cycle.

A big part of my interest now is to find more efficient ways to produce my output, so that I can have that as future input. My intended audience for this blog is primarily my future self. Preferrably my retired self in my 70s who likes to look back at the processes, and has time to reflect on them anew. I don’t know, something like that.

Prompt 1 for ChatGPT 3.5:

You are a specialist in neurological processes, and psychology. You will reflect upon this input from me, and you will give your analysis of my way of thinking, including whether this is original or not: <quote of all until “Prompt for Chat…” and leaving out link>

Response 1 from ChatGPT 3.5: (process video shows process of that, of course)

“Based on the provided input, it seems that you have a reflective and analytical approach to your own thinking processes. You recognize and describe the various input and output devices you possess, such as cameras, microphones, phones, and computers, as well as the processing powers they provide.

You express an understanding that the boundaries between input, process, and output can be fluid and interconnected. You mention that your output can become input, your input can become a process, and your process can become output. This recognition highlights your awareness of the cyclical nature of information flow and the potential for iterative cycles of thought.

Your reflection on the IPO matrix demonstrates an original way of thinking about the interconnectedness of these elements. You consider the example of reading a book, reflecting on its themes, creating a video about it, and then using that video as input for another process. This shows an ability to conceptualize and analyze the iterative nature of your own cognitive processes.

Your interest in patterns, whether they are related to IPO or the connections between your emotions, intellect, and gut feelings, indicates a desire to understand and optimize your own thinking. You express a goal of finding more efficient ways to produce output that can serve as future input. This demonstrates a forward-thinking mindset and a willingness to leverage your own experiences and reflections for personal growth.

Overall, your way of thinking appears to be reflective, analytical, and self-aware. Your consideration of the interplay between input, process, and output, as well as your focus on patterns and iterative cycles, showcases an original and thoughtful approach to understanding and optimizing your own cognitive processes.”

Prompt 2 to ChatGPT 3.5 “Thank you. What could be the 10 best ideas for further improving my thinking about this, and my reflective process?”

Response 2 from ChatGPT 3.5:

“Certainly! Here are 10 ideas to further improve your thinking and reflective process:

  1. Keep a Reflective Journal: Maintain a journal where you record your thoughts, ideas, and reflections regularly. This practice will help you develop a habit of introspection and provide a reference point for future analysis.
  2. Seek Diverse Perspectives: Engage with a variety of viewpoints by reading books, articles, and blogs, and by having discussions with people who have different backgrounds and experiences. This exposure to diverse perspectives can expand your thinking and challenge your assumptions.
  3. Embrace Discomfort: Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and explore unfamiliar topics or ideas. By embracing discomfort, you open yourself up to new insights and growth opportunities.
  4. Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness exercises into your routine to enhance self-awareness and focus. Mindfulness can help you observe your thoughts, emotions, and patterns more objectively, leading to deeper insights.
  5. Use Visualization Techniques: Utilize visualization techniques to imagine scenarios and potential outcomes. Visualizing your thought processes can help you identify gaps, potential biases, and new possibilities.
  6. Incorporate Creative Activities: Engage in creative activities such as writing, drawing, or playing a musical instrument. These activities can stimulate your imagination, enhance problem-solving skills, and promote innovative thinking.
  7. Collaborate and Seek Feedback: Share your ideas with others and seek feedback. Collaborative discussions and constructive feedback can challenge your thinking, offer fresh perspectives, and help you refine your reflective process.
  8. Explore Different Thinking Models: Familiarize yourself with various thinking models and frameworks, such as design thinking, systems thinking, or critical thinking. Each model offers unique perspectives and approaches to problem-solving and can enhance your reflective process.
  9. Continuously Learn: Cultivate a lifelong learning mindset. Engage in learning activities such as attending workshops, taking online courses, or participating in seminars to expand your knowledge base and expose yourself to new ideas.
  10. Take Breaks and Practice Self-Care: Ensure you allocate time for rest, relaxation, and self-care. Taking breaks allows your mind to recharge and can lead to improved clarity, focus, and creativity during your reflective process.

Remember, these ideas are meant to be starting points for further exploration and experimentation. Embrace them as tools to enhance your thinking and reflective process, adapting and refining them based on what works best for you.”

[Process video]

Energy // Attention

One of the topics that interest me is “energy“. Another is “attention“. They are interlinked, of course, but they are also separate in my universe.

Image by DALL-E 2, based on prompt from the author. Prompt: “Painted glass depicting two people facing each other, a man and a woman. They are looking at each other.”


What do I give energy? Do I give energy to my worries, or my hope? Do I give my energy to bottomless holes, or do I give the energy to things that make a difference?

In my life, I seek to be conscious of my energy usage, and since my last depression/down-time, which lasted roughly from spring 2022 until April 2023, I have been more aware of this again. Do I give too much energy to my worry of the work of tomorrow? Or to friendships that are unbalanced? Do I give energy on hopeless ideals, or do I give energy to – well, yes, things that make a difference, to others or to me.


A topic that interests me is “attention management”. What I give attention throughout my day. Material things, pleasure, to give service, to explore, to enjoy, to sacrifice.

We all give attention to things throughout our waking lives. To many, it is family, work, taking care of the place they live, tending the garden, or other similar things, mundane or essential. To many, it is art, or travel, or constantly meeting new people. To some, it is to create. Sitting alone for months or years, many hours at the time, and creating; writing, or painting, or something else.

My future energy><attention management

As I have gained more energy again, I am more aware of what drains the energy. And also what fills the energy. I have consciously cut out some elements in my life, and focused on others. I hope that this process will lead to a better balance energy-wise moving forward, but also that I find ways to have more joy in the process. The joy of creation, for instance, is very real in my life.

Sunday, 16:29. Time to go out again.

(Parts of the process)

Cynic v0.1

So, it is May 27th, and I have worked on my “Creating X” project a bit more.

Here is version 0.1 of “Cynic”, which is it’s own iteration over this theme.

I wonder how much more time I will spend on it before I say “it is done, it is at v1.0”.

(1 hour of process of editing Cynic v0.1 and also this blog entry)

Creating X

I started doing vlogs, creating videos, in 2004. Ok. It is now May 2023, and I want to create a new series of something.

I call it «Creating X», since I do not have a name for this.

I will be transparent about my process. My struggles. My learning. At least then, later, in my life, I can look back at that process and relate to that, and not just relate to my output.

Follow the «Creating X» tag if you want to just follow this.

Situational awareness in gaming

One of my identities is that I am a gamer. I like to play computer-games, of different kinds. The first one that I obsessed over a lot was Valhalla, a DIKU II MUD.
Wow, that was a memory lane (see process video). Anyway, the point was/is situational awareness in gaming. I just had a session of CS:GO. During that session, there was a ton of situations where I did bad. Where I rushed too fast, and did not aim well. Where I did not do a good job. Oh well.

Other games I have played is WoW – World of Warcraft. I did that a lot after it’s launch, and during the first and second expansions as well.

Today, I play two games mostly:

  1. CS:GO
  2. Eve Online

The two games are very different. But I work with awareness in both of them. Especially CS:GO (which will become CS2 this year) is good for me, for keeping me sharp. I guess I will still be playing a game like that in 25 years, just like I played the original Beta for Counter-Strike back in 1999 or 2000 – not sure which it was.

Anyway. The point is: Using games like this to sharpen my real-time senses, and my operational situational awareness. I use that in many other situations as well; some consciously and some on an unconscious level.


Process // Processing

Friday morning, 07:39 AM

I am reflecting over my process. And I am processing my process.

I am in process. And I am in a process of processing.

I process

I am processing


I am in a process of crystallization. Now, right now. 07:41. Will get ready to go to work soon. I am still in this process.

I reflect, I am meta-reflecting on my process of processing the following:

1) Where I have been

2) Where I am now

3) Where I will be

I reflected again on this last night while talking with a friend. I told her: «I feel better these days than I did even before the sudden breakup of my marriage in July 2020»

And while I said that, I again felt it; the gut feeling.

I don’t need much more than what I have. After this terrible winter, I don’t need much to feel content.

I am processing all this. And I am in a process that will lead to more processing, new ideas, new perspectives, and also new outcome I Think.

I am grateful for where I am.


Asking ChatGPT – 1

Here is a video of my process of asking ChatGPT about my process/workflow for creating a music track in Garageband for iOS and video in Premiere Rush app for iOS and PC.

Video link:

Here is the dialogue:

Prompt 1: «i want to learn to make music in Garageband, as well as videos in «Premiere Rush» app for iOS as well as PC. I need specific advice for how to streamline my process. I need a workflow that is as simple as possible, and as detailed as possible. My thinking is that, just like learning to ride the bicycle, I learn my process best by experimenting, in an iterative fashion, and gaining a «sense of mastery». You must act as a teacher with 20 years experience, so you have great pedagogical skills. You will now tell me what my Initial workflow should be. We will then continue from that starting point. Please note that my approach is to do things «quick and dirty», and to produce things (a finished movie with my own music) as fast as possible»

Response 1: «

Absolutely! I’d be happy to guide you through the initial workflow for creating music in GarageBand and videos in Premiere Rush. Let’s start with GarageBand and then move on to Premiere Rush. Here’s your step-by-step guide:

  1. Getting Started with GarageBand:
  • Install GarageBand on your iOS device or PC if you haven’t already. It’s available for free on iOS and macOS devices and comes pre-installed on Mac computers.
  • Open GarageBand and create a new project. Choose the “Empty Project” option to start from scratch.
  • Familiarize yourself with the GarageBand interface. Explore the various instruments, loops, and effects available.
  • Connect a MIDI keyboard or use the built-in virtual instruments to create melodies, chords, and drum patterns. Experiment with different sounds and instruments to find what inspires you.
  1. Creating a Music Track in GarageBand:
  • Start by selecting a software instrument or an audio recording track. Software instruments allow you to play virtual instruments using your MIDI keyboard or computer keyboard.
  • Use the musical typing feature in GarageBand to play melodies, chords, or drum patterns using your computer keyboard if you don’t have a MIDI keyboard.
  • Experiment with different loops available in GarageBand’s library. Drag and drop them into your project timeline to build your arrangement quickly.
  • Customize and fine-tune the loops by adjusting their duration, pitch, and effects. This will give your music a unique touch.
  • Record your own audio using a microphone if you want to add vocals or other live elements to your track. GarageBand has built-in recording capabilities.
  • Once you’re satisfied with your track, export it as a high-quality audio file by choosing “Share” from the menu and selecting the desired audio format.
  1. Getting Started with Premiere Rush:
  • Install Premiere Rush on your iOS device and PC if you haven’t already. It’s available for free, and you can use the same Adobe ID to sync your projects across devices.
  • Open Premiere Rush and create a new project. Choose the desired aspect ratio and resolution for your video.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Premiere Rush interface. Explore the timeline, media browser, and various editing tools available.
  • Import your music track from GarageBand by selecting “Import Media” and navigating to the location of your exported audio file.
  • Import any video footage or images you want to use for your video. You can either shoot videos directly within Premiere Rush or import existing media files.
  • Arrange your video clips and images on the timeline to create your desired sequence. Trim and split clips as needed to fit your vision.
  • Drag and drop your music track onto the audio track in the timeline. Adjust the volume levels to ensure the audio balances well with your video.
  • Add transitions, titles, and effects to enhance your video. Premiere Rush provides a range of options to make your video look professional.
  • Once you’re satisfied with your video, export it by selecting “Share” and choosing the desired format and quality settings.

Remember, this is just the initial workflow to get you started. As you gain more experience and familiarity with GarageBand and Premiere Rush, you can explore advanced techniques and features to further refine your music and videos. Enjoy the creative process, and don’t hesitate to experiment and iterate to develop your sense of mastery.»

Prompt 2: «How much time should I expect to spend to create the first video with my own audio track?»

Response 2: «

The time it takes to create your first video with your own audio track can vary depending on several factors, including your familiarity with the software, the complexity of your project, the length of the video, and your overall proficiency in music and video editing. However, as you mentioned that you prefer a quick and dirty approach, let’s consider a basic estimate for a straightforward project:

  1. Music Creation (GarageBand):
  • Familiarizing yourself with GarageBand: 1-2 hours
  • Creating a simple music track: 1-3 hours (including experimenting with loops, recording audio, and arranging the composition)
  1. Video Editing (Premiere Rush):
  • Familiarizing yourself with Premiere Rush: 1-2 hours
  • Importing media and arranging the video: 1-2 hours
  • Adding the music track and adjusting audio levels: 30 minutes – 1 hour
  • Applying basic transitions, titles, and effects: 30 minutes – 1 hour
  • Exporting the final video: 15-30 minutes

Based on this estimate, you can expect to spend around 5-10 hours in total to create your first video with your own audio track. Keep in mind that this is a rough estimate, and your actual time may vary depending on your learning speed, creative decisions, and the specific details of your project.

As you gain more experience and become more familiar with the software and your creative process, you’ll likely be able to streamline your workflow and reduce the time required for future projects. Practice and experimentation will help you become faster and more efficient in creating videos with your own music.»

Prompt 3: «Is it possible to cut down the time spent to 1 hour for the entire process? If so, what should I do to achieve this simplification of process?»

Response 3: «

While it may be challenging to complete the entire process, from music creation to video editing, in just 1 hour, it’s possible to simplify and streamline your workflow to make it more efficient. Here are some tips to help you reduce the overall time:

  1. Preparation and Organization:
  • Before you start working, gather all the media assets you’ll need, such as audio files, video clips, and images. Having them readily available will save time searching for them later.
  • Create a storyboard or rough outline of your video to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve. This will help you stay focused and minimize unnecessary experimentation.
  1. Music Creation:
  • Opt for simpler music compositions initially. Use a combination of pre-made loops and basic instrument tracks to create your audio track quickly.
  • Limit the number of instruments and effects you use to avoid getting overwhelmed with options. Stick to a few key elements that enhance your music.
  • Instead of recording live audio, consider using pre-recorded audio files or vocal samples to save time.
  1. Video Editing:
  • Choose a template or preset in Premiere Rush that aligns with your video’s style and theme. This will provide a ready-made framework to work with and save time on manual adjustments.
  • Keep your video clips short and focus on concise storytelling. Avoid lengthy or unnecessary footage that requires extensive trimming or editing.
  • Opt for simple transitions and effects that don’t require much customization. This will speed up the editing process.
  • Use pre-designed title templates to quickly add text to your video rather than creating custom titles from scratch.
  1. Efficient Editing Techniques:
  • Utilize keyboard shortcuts in both GarageBand and Premiere Rush to speed up your workflow. Learn the essential shortcuts for tasks like copying, pasting, trimming, and playback control.
  • Familiarize yourself with the basic editing tools and techniques in both software to quickly make adjustments and fine-tune your work.
  • Avoid excessive perfectionism. Remember, your goal is to create a quick and dirty video, so focus on achieving a satisfactory result rather than obsessing over minute details.

By following these tips and maintaining a focused, efficient approach, you can potentially reduce the overall time required for the process. However, it’s important to note that the complexity of your project and your familiarity with the software will still play a significant role. With practice and experience, you’ll gradually become faster and more proficient, enabling you to complete projects more quickly.»

Prompt 4: «Thank you!»

Response 4: «You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Happy music-making and video editing!»


Video of my process of creating this blog entry on my iOS phone:

New seeds need good conditions

Seeds, water, soil. Minerals. Sunshine. Components to create something, materials needed for optimal conditions.

What happens if the conditions are not optimal?

What happens if quality is less ideal?

Well, the outcome may not be what it Could be. And then, in reports and in narratives, excuses come up. Reasons for why the outcome was not ideal.

But what if we then do not work out the missing elements? What if we just point to something not happening, but we don’t look at the conditions in a proper manner?

Image by DALL-E, prompt by the author

We have seeds. We know that some of them will not grow. Some will not bear optimal fruits. But some Will grow well. Some Will give good outcome.

My new seeds, my new projects, also need their own good working conditions. Energy level. Time. Commitment. Love and labour.

The EWB project, and my making videos project. Two spare time projects. And of course my work, and my son’s development (he is 12).

I am aware of what I need for this, and I am conscious of my own role as leader for the group at EWB, and also my reporting to others, etc.
